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Slownenberg said:
DarthMetalliCube said:

They're all a bunch of hypocrites. The ridiculous aspect of this is that these people don't seem to realize that the people that were mercilessly mowed down in Vegas were probably 95% white.. But you'll never hear that part.

And let's be clear, there is racism on the right too, which I of course reject - but as of late it's been a lot more frequent on the left being racsists against whites, and far more socially acceptable too (though in a subtle roundabout sort of way I view this "victimization" of many minorities these guys obsess over as a kind of bigotry too, as it's a sort of "soft bigotry of low expectations," which was one of the very few intelligent things I ever heard George W. Bush speak). I hear the shitting on white rhetoric from even my close family and friends on nearly a daily basis, or at least see it on twitter or TV. I used to get angry about it but now I just sort of sit back and laugh at what hypocrites they are. Let them wallow in their own hatred and realize THEY'RE the ones with the problem, not you. I've realized over the years many of these people's cries of "RASCIST!" is usually just projection. It's like when those super conservative priests or congressmen yell about the evils of homosexuality and lo and behold many end up having a history of fucking young boys.

I try to just remind myself that at the end of the day, what's it really matter? I'm still lucky enough to grow up in a middle class familiy in probably the most privledged and prosperous country in the world, in an era where we live like kings compared to people merely 100 years ago. I've never once in my life been confronted (at least in real life) or "called out" in some way merely for being a white man, let alone discriminated against or "oppressed" in any apparent way. Life is still pretty decent from where I sit, and many many people in the world have it far far worse. And besides, we're all individuals - which is by far the most important characteristic of humanity, not skin color which nobody has any control over whatsoever anyway - so people shouldn't make things personal based on race, myself included.

bolded part: hahahaah. wow. understatement of the year!! Racism is a central platform of the right. If you think there is more racism on the left, or even a fraction of what is on the right, you're living in a dream world buddy. That's like saying conservatives like guns, but liberals really like guns. Or, liberals support rights for everyone, but conservatives really support rights for everyone. That's all backwards.

Pointing out racism on the right does not count as racism towards white people, okay. It's just pointing out the obvious. Which some white people, like you, go apeshit over and just cannot take anyone pointing out how stupid lots of white people in this country are (and how racist lots of white people in this country are). Whenever I hear or see these idiots (American conservatives) in the news or in real life I just think to myself "goddamn POS white people", and I'm white! That ain't racism, that's understanding the reality that there is a group of roughly half the country that call themselves conservatives/Republicans and many of them are very stupid and the biggest whiners in the coutnry, sometimes racist, most of them at least support racist ideas or get mad at anyone who doesn't fully accept white superiority and non-white inferiority, which is exactly what racism is.

So yes it of course is more socially acceptable to point out racism that runs rampant in American white conservatives than it is to actually be a white racist. Not sure how you don't get why that is more socially accepted that being a racist. Again, pointing out racism of whites in America is not being racist.

Of course some people are racist towards white people. And some people do cry racism for no reason. But to say those things even make a mark on the radar compared to the rampant racism (whether overt or more subtle) of the American right is to say you're not paying attention to what's going on in America.


This is an odd response and misses most of the point of what I'm trying to say.. You sure you responded to the right person?

What does "pointing out racism" have to do with what I said? That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about DIRECT racism towards whites in general.. Yeah obviously there are PLENTY of racist white people - which I completely hate and comdemn, and they should absolutely be called out for their bullshit, but I guess one of my central points here is that people of ALL races are capable of racism (and believe me being the internet dweller I am I've heard/read PLENTY). The difference seems to be that these days, while most of the racist whites merely are limited to spewing their garbage on message boards/social media and barred from the mainstream (and rightfully so of course), racist comments TOWARDS whites are far more socially acceptable and are given a much more mainstream platform from which to speak, and are often given more leeway. 

And an additional point - this all seems to stem from this weird notion that somehow whites are far more susceptible and practicing of racism, and/or there's a vastly disproportionate number of them (an idea you seem to be flirting with in this post). Funny enough, this is ironically in and of itself - a RACIST statement, and a very untrue one at best. Or at the very least, as I've mentioned in another post, people DO recognise this media bias, but legitimize it in the sense that "well these people deserve this extra slandering because they're inherantly more privledged." Another ridiculous notion which in the Western World circa 2017 (yes even the United States) is mostly, if not completely baseless and false.

Again, I don't really care one way or another, I'm just pointing out the logic of where many are coming from here. I don't cry about it and certainly don't see myself as a victim.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden