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Everstar said:
Kasz216 said:
Everstar said:
why would NPD be off?

They don't get data for the nations largest retailer when it comes to videogame sales. (to my knowledge, they have a seperate deal with Wal-Mart, but not involved with this data to my knowledge.)

So NPD dont count the wall mart sales?

They count them. They just base them off historical trends. It seemed to work well for the WiiFit numbers... which were even more huge amount.

It's still a hole in their data set however.  It could be totally possible that NPD totally overestimated the number of PS360's Wal-mart was selling and was forced to readjust for that during GTA4 and during the PS3 deal.

It's been said that big box stores like Wal-Mart greatly favor the wii while smaller specialty stores favor the PS360.