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Euphoria14 said:

Awesome suggestions guys. I agree with Bursche 100% as well, Earthbound would be great with a remake, that way we all buy it, SE notices and finally gives us Westerners the other Mother games we so long for.

Bursche when you say same turn based combat do you mean the same exact layout or would you prefer more of a Final Fantasy I-X style turn based?

SE didnt make the Mother Series O_O I believe it was by Hal and Nintendo.

 But the turnbased system in Earthbound makes it so you cant see your characters at all, only the enemy, your menu and a trippy background. This wouldnt change if it was remade, only made with much better graphics which would make it really trippy.

 I guarantee if  Earthbound was remade, stoners everywhere would be the Wii just to watch the battles for a buzz.

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