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SuperBudgie1582 said:
vivster said:

I disagree. News stories like these are necessary. We need to show the world that all religions are toxic to society and not just Christianity and Islam. By singling out only a few religions we are passively legitimizing every other religion. So the more of these stories we have, the better.

And no, there isn't any sarcasm in there.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge. F.Y.I A bunch of orthodox Jews being a-holes does not show anybody anything, including reformed and moderate Jews who knew Orthodox Jews could be huge a-holes. 

It's not just about the assholes. It's about arbitrary hobbies interfering with sekular policy. All influence of religion on society is toxic. Might as well grant the flat earth society and Scientology protection from ridicule.

Tolerance of such nonsense is what creates assholes in the first place. And not only do we legitimize stupidity but go even further and put it under special protection of the law. Shit like this breeds assholes and extremists because those assholes feel absolutely legitimized. Why would any extremist even think twice about what he's doing if every single state on this planet says that religion is something to protect and cherish as if it's the greatest thing on earth.

Those morons wouldn't even begin to be radicalized if at the first mention of their god they get a slap in the face and a good old laugh like all other hallucinations.

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