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jonathanalis said:
Poor ARMS. :(
I wished it had better legs

I think its still selling around 3k, but that currently is not enuf to enter top 20 best selling games.



Lawlight said:
So, does that mean that the stock issue is over worldwide?

What exactly tell you that stock issues are over in Japan alone!? :D

Lawlight said:
Jranation said:

Someone in Japan should confirm this. But I think its still selling every stock they have. Once the loterries dissappear  then it should be good. 

Are they still holding lotteries? It seems that Amazon JP has stock but I can't read Japanese so not sure.

Yes they are they still holding lotteries, and Switch still sold out evre week. We have constant updates evre week on Negaf from people from Japan that pay attention on those things. Deal with that, Switch is sold out evre week, even when Nintendo ship 70-100k units, and we are still far from meeting demand in Japan. That's very obvious from everyone except you, and just wait Mario Odyssey and Holiday Season where Nintendo is preparing bigger shipments to see whats real beasting. ;)

Lawlight said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

...Do you lack common sense? Have you seen the demand for Switch in Japan? 70k ain't going to solve that.


You're just waiting for the day when Switch's supply issues get in check so you can criticize its sales figures...lmao.

Common sense tells me that it is in stock everywhere but Japan so why is Nintendo not shipping enough to Japan then? Decreasing shipments to countries where it's not selling well and increasing shipments to Japan would be common sense.

And, don't worry - in a month's time we will be getting official shipment numbers so we'll see if all those Switch beasting articles and posts hold up.

You dont make any sense. You don't need official numbers to see that Switch is selling great, Switch is selling good on all markets, but its best selling console last two months on biggest gaming market (US, it sold better than PS4 that YoY), and in Japan (that's biggest gaming market after US and Europe) left in dust all other consoles.