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This is *literally* impossible. The PS4 sold 63.3 as of June 30th, meaning it sold 10 million in 7 months.

Selling 14.7 million in 3 months(July 1st - August 1st, August 1st to September 1st, September 1st to October 3rd)?

That's 4.9 million sales per month. Sony's last shipment was 3.3 million in a quarter, and the "best selling" Playstation period goes to the 2016 holiday season for PS4, in which sony shipped 9 million(I believe?) and sold 6.2 million of those during the holidays. ( )

If Sony's best selling Playstation quarter was 9 million shipped in *3 months* during a HOLIDAY, why would you expect a console to *SELL* 14.7 million in 3 months. You're literally expecting it to out a holiday season in 2 months not in shipments, but in sales.

Just ridiculous .... no way this could be true

Edit : Isn't 78 mil the forecast for shipments at the end of the fiscal year? So March 2018? Am I missing something?