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starcraft said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:

My reply was completely pertinent to your post preceding it. I touched on why it wouldn't be profitable to release it on the 360 and the fact that it wouldn't be as good an experience as the PS3 version. Can you at least have the courtesy read and respond to my post legitimately.

I have another quote from the same article exclaiming that "In a Konami retailers meeting yesterday, it was exposed that the game would be produced on a 50GB Blu-ray disc."

Kojima is the visionary and project lead, therefore what he says does go because that game is whatever he wants it to be. There is too much prestige surrounding that name therefore he basically has 100% jurisdiction over anything related to his game.

Please don't try and distract from my arguments buy falsely claiming to be misinterpreted.

I want you too look very closely at the quote you have there.  Does it say MGS4 is 50gb?  No.  It says that MGS4 will be on a 50gb blu-ray disk, also known as a double-sided Blu-Ray disk.  That decision was made just a few months before the games launch meaning either:

a) Its a publicity stunt or

b) They only just couldn't fit the game on 25GB AND its a publicity stunt.

Either way, the worst case scenario is the game is just over 30GB with all the duplicated data, uncompressed audio etc included.  Suddenly a billion disks is sounding unlikely for the 360 version huh?

As for the last paragraph, that comes off a little naive.  The guys at Valve are just as visionary as Kojima, but they didn't get a say in whether EA did a port of the Orange Box.  At the end of the day Kojima doesn't have to work on something he doesn't want to, but he doesn't have jack to do with whether Konami puts a few guys on a 360 port.

MGS4 isn't exclusive to the PS3 for technical reasons or because of Kojima's mad love for Sony.

Its because one way or another, Sony paid for it.

*cue you claiming I'm irrational and your misunderstood and storming off in a huff* 


Does this quote suffice?: "Kojima complained that a few features had to be cut from the game so it would fit on a duel layer Blu-ray disc. As format fanatics already know, that means the game takes up nearly 50 gigabytes of space."

I'm done talking about space because I could easily pull up a thousand other articles just like that one and I don't think every site saying the same thing has the same agenda. Accept it. You are going by your word, while every source in the media disagrees with your thesis. If parts of the game had to be cut then there obviously is no duplicated data and I have already proven that multiple languages will not be shipped on the same disc.

This means that the game undeniably is only possible on the PS3 because of blu-ray; contradicting your preconceived notions. If you would like MGS4 on nine discs then you can have fun because unlike you, I have both systems therefore I can pick and choose which version I want. The PS3 port would have been better any way you look at it and profit would have quickly diminished upon the publics discovery that MGS4 for the 360 came on 9 discs. How many gamers looking at that package would find it appealing? Not only that but you also have to factor in manufacturing costs for extra discs scratching off even more profit.

Konami at that point wouldn't port the game to the 360 because it would simply be bad business, which would remove the need for Sony to do any money hatting in the first place.

I'm wrong on things all of the time and it's OK to be wrong every now and then. But you stated in your first post that you were completly speculating. If you really want the game that bad then just get a PS3, otherwise it shouldn't concern you at all and no thread should have been made in the first place.