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My mental health is quite bad actually. I've known for a long time but resisted therapy until today. I just got back from my first session ever and I really liked it. I wish I had done it sooner. I was doing well for a while though, and tried various morning routines but couldn't stick to one for long. I want to give and receive love, have a job I'm happy at, and be independent.

I've found that coffee is addicting to where if I try to not have any I become hypochondriac or something. I'm drinking scarlet tea instead now and it's somewhere in the middle. Hoping to quit caffeine. I lost my job at Rockstar and then at Nintendo. I'm starting work at Xbox as a game tester. I'm having major girl trouble atm. And I want to move out but am scared.

Since losing my job/girlfriend, feeling uncertain about my future.. and quitting caffeine.. My muscles are burning and tingling. I'm depressed, anxious, and fatigued. I'm nauseous, with stomach aches. I have insomnia and lucid dreams. I have headache and foggy brain. There's a huge knot in my stomach. It took this to finally motivate me into therapy. Im glad, I definately found the right guy.