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outlawauron said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:

I think the more important question is:


Why would a game that only sold 8,000 copies be sold out anywhere? The only logical answer is: self-sabotage. Trying to figure out why a business does things is futile. Trying to figure out how these numbers fit into context is a far easier endeavor.


No matter how much I want to believe it is something else, if I say I want to sell 8 boxes of peanuts but only have 4 boxes, then of course I can say I never met my sales expectations since I could not possibly reach 8 boxes sold.

So you're saying that they're artificially creating demand by purposefully limiting supply?

With such a low number, I would have to doubt that. I also learned that EA's exclusivity deal with Fifa states they have to make at least one Fifa title for every console. So if another Vita comes out, they have to make a Fifa for that, too. This gives a lot more explanation to why they may have spent the money only to sabotage their title. They really had no choice in making the game. It may also explain why they announced no other titles for Switch; because they are not contractually obligated to do as much.

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