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6 hours since last update.

#5 NS Neon (down 1)
#7 SNES Classic (down 1)
#9 NS Grey (up 2)
#21 NS Mario (same)
#32 N2DSXL Pokeball (up 53)*
#76 PS4 Pro (same)
#83 PS4 Slim (re-entry)
#86 XOne S (up 9)

#1 NS Super Mario Odyssey (same)
#11 PS4 The 25th Ward: The Silver Case Limited Edition (down 3)*
#22 NS Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Special Edition (same)*
#24 PS4 Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War (up 2)
#29 3DS Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions (up 3)
#34 PS4 South Park: The Fractured but Whole (up 3)
#36 PS4 Gran Turismo Sport (down 2)
#46 PS4 Call of Duty: WWII (up 2)

Does not affect this month: *