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Machiavellian said:
DonFerrari said:

Please explain to me how is it worse to keep a skin locked away from a game forever than a full game locked away for 1 year.

Sorry but I'm not one of those people. I don't care about this game and mostly buy Sony 1st party so this practice is neutral to me. I am only pointing out that Phill have a big mouth but is a hypocrite. Show me where is the investiment in first party, showing games only when they are about to release and not locking away content in any way instead of being an appologist to someone that make millions on salary to be a hypocrite.

And you can't see a difference on desperation when Sony is selling 2x LTD, 3 or 4x weekly and a game get released exclusively with sony putting zero money on the game and MS looking into extending exclusivity after the developer said they are looking to release the game on the competitor?

You still get to play the game one year later, you will never get to use that skin, play that map, use that strike etc.  Its content you never get to ever experience and if you were a Xbox only gamer, the developer locked you out of content permantely and you will always wonder what you missed.  

In the situation of Tomb Raider, I actually did wait to play it on the Playstation instead of purchasing it for the X1 even though I have an X1.  Since I was going through my backlog, by the time I was ready to play the game, it was out on the PS system so purchase the game on the system it played the best on.  The difference here for me is that I had the option.

No, I do not see the desperation.  The reason why because no matter how much Sony or MS is selling consoles, this deal probably would still get done.  Let's just take this article as an example.  It says Sony is in talks to get PUBG on the Sony system.  If Sony was doing so great and developers are just creaming themselves to get their games on their system, why would Sony even need to be in talks to get the game on the PS.  Why isn't Sony always the first choice for any game to be on their system.  The reason is because no matter the installbase or who is selling the most, all players are going to try to get the best games on their system no matter what.  If MS was smart enough to reach out to Blue before Sony, then its smart business.  If Sony was smart to get the deal in place first I would be saying smart on them.  Also it would be smart business for MS to halt all talks about another system until they reap the benefit first.  Why even play the game if you lose marketing if the other company is playing the field.  After your exclusive deal is over, then let the company make and talk to anyone they want.  If anything MS should have learned this leasson from Tomb Raider.

Nope I won't, I never buy DLC and most games sell most and are more relevant on their first couple months... so holding a game for a year is worse than holding a map for life.

I still haven't bought TR, since I had to wait a year for it I can wait more to buy it for 20 or less or not even play it since I have other things to play.

Why would Sony be in talks? Because the game is big enough and Sony hold good relationship with devs, so why wouldn't they talk about bringing it to PS?

The Lesson on TR where they gave a completely obtuse definition of exclusive that needed clarification just after being mentioned (because they tried to make it sound more than it was) and SquareEnix talking about PS4 release before X1 had it release? Seems the same bad management from MS.

And you tegiversated from the point on desperation, both situation exposed are so different that you can't say one can't be desperation without the other also being.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."