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I change my mind on NG4. It's good, but there are some problems. It's awkward to use, and there's many games missing. Also, it seems that NG4 starts out with more reviews, but ends with less. I mean, MGS4 has 35 reviews, while Metacritic has 8, and GameRankings has 11, while Halo has has like, 43 on NG4, and 86 on Metacritic, and also more on GameRankings. All three are good, but all three have their strong points, and weak points. I'll still be going to NG4 here, and there, but Metacritic, and GameRankings, still seem to be more reliable. I don't know. But hey, I'm still going with NG4 on MGS4 because 35 reviews is obviously more reliable to follow, then 8, or 11. Heck, I'll just buy the game, play it, and find out how good it really is for myself.