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mroseneo said:

Haha, I remember buying Panzer Dragoon Saga for $9 when the Saturn was going out of business. I sold it later for over $100. That said, I don't think it is that great of a game.

If you really want to collect those games, then go for it. However, if you just want to beat them, I think you could get away with downloading them.

They are only that expensive because they are some of the only RPGs on the system.

Your not helping SEGA out by purchasing them now anyways.

 I buy crap computers, so it will probably be 6-7 years (2 computers later than now) before I can emu them.  I was thinking of holding off on playing panzer saga and gaurdian heroes and shining force 3- the good, expenisve games- until then :/ 

That said, I do like collecting games. But $60-$150 is too much for old games. I would like to play games like Mario prg and Ogre Tactics and Ogre 64 and Shining force 3, but it costs too much.