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So, I'm here in NYC at the virgin megastore line waiting for the midnight launch and Hideo Kojima's signature. With that said, this line is HUUUUGEEEE!! I got here kinda late (got out of class late) and the line spands like a full block and a half, and an avenue (if anybody have been to NYC, u know how long the avenues are). As of writing, there is 1hr left till midnight and the line is getting longer and longer (in the next couple of minutes, its gonna go to ANOTHER block). On my way to the back of the line, it took like 5-6 minutes of walking to finally get to the end. According to mtv, there was 200 ppl on line as of 4pm, and now it looks like its 500-600. I might be updating this as the night continues, but man, it looks like MGS4 is gonna be VEEERY succesful. (1.3 mil WW ATLEAST)