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A day or so ago I started a thread titled "War is Over", an over sensationalistic title, for a mundane Linux topic.

But today is a bit different, I have something resembling proof that times are changing.
Oh and to that person who was trying to say that Nvidia is the way to go for Linux...

This video is from the Level1Techs guys (who are pretty big in the Linux scene), where Wendell talks about the Vega support with Linux.
In this he states that in some cases when using the open source drivers the RX Vega 64 can outperform a 1080Ti.
AMD and talented members of the Linux developer community have been hard at work on getting Vega, gaming and other workloads to work, and work fast on Linux.

One reoccurring theme in the posts of my last thread, was that Linux will never be able to overtake or live along side Windows.
But this video, I feel shows how hard, and how much progress the open source community are working behind the scenes to ensure that Linux is a viable option.

AMD engineers have communicated to the Linux community that Navi will receive better, support from AMD's driver team.
We will be reaching a point where AMD cards will be able to perform just as well if not better than on Windows in the next 5 years.

Linux is not desktop (mainstream) ready yet, but it is getting much closer.

In other "News":
Frostbite works on Linux in DICE labs.
HiDPI support is getting better.
Valve works on more than just; I honestly don't know what people think they do all day.
    But basically they are helping with drivers and VR related stuff.
Linux Steam usage was at 0.63% for August (probably due to PUBG).
GTK4 is moving along.
Bill Gates used an Android phone (Android is a form of Linux).
S3TC has expired and work is being done with it.