MTZehvor said:
I won't disagree with the emphasis on show vs. tell, although I'd question your holding up Fusion, by far the most "tell" heavy Metroid game besides Other M, as an example of the concept. With that said, I think it would largely depend on what story they want to tell, and, to reference this back to the original point of the conversation, if it's going to be focus on the rebel Chozo faction, then the game is probably going to require a significant amount of telling to satisfy those of us who are more interested in the series' lore. While official 2D Metroid games have never included scanning before, there's a great example of it how it can be implemented well in AM2R, and while I do prefer SR slightly to AM2R, I think the scans are a major advantage that the fan game has over the official one. I think the ideal scenario if they choose to pursue that storyline would be a very Prime-esque approach to narrative structure, regardless of whether it's 2D or 3D. Have a game with a relative easy to follow storyline on the surface, with optional ways to sate the curiosity of those who really enjoy the series' lore and want to see it expanded upon. Scanning is the best method I've seen so far of this sort of optional storytelling, but I'd be open to different ideas if I thought they were capable of expounding upon a similar amount of backstory. |
Fair enough we all have our preferences however i'm sure most people remember Fusion because of it's "tell heavy" plot (and linearity) whereas pretty much nobody talks about Prime's story. One of the main reasons Metroid Dread is so desired because of the plot, we want to know how Samus' story continues so Fusion actually succeeded by ending on such a cliffhanger with is storytelling the real problem was it's forced linearity, i really don't mind linearity especially not in Fusion since it's still an awesome game but it could have used less handholding like SR.
If they fix that and continue the story Metroid Dread would be perfect.