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Mine are:

- I think Fallout is a bad game. I can't see why people like it, the shooting mechanics are beyond broken.

- While they create masterpieces like Skyrim, Bethesda is not a good publisher because they always release broken games. They get a free pass from game critics.

- The Souls game are not that good. Expect Bloodborne, it is a huge improvement and is actually a good game.

- I liked Knack. For real. Not a masterpiece, but a 50s on Meta is ridiculous. Solid 75 for me. Fun, has co-op, only issue really is the checkpoint system.

- The opinion people have in forums is far from what the mainstream thinks. Most people like EA and Activision, except forum nerds like us.

- VR is going to be a big flop. Companies will quit trying to make this work when the tech clearly is not here yet.

- The 360 controller is not as good as people say. The bumpers are terrible and the D-pad is a bad joke.

- Battlefield is nowhere as good as people say. BF3 and 4 had pathetic campaigns and even the MP was not fun at all.