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mZuzek said:
pokoko said:

That's usually how I feel, especially when the most fun in a game is often in the last push to reach the boss.  Then, boom, let's take away the game-play you enjoy and replace it with a fenced-in version of Spot The Weakness, where you have to jump through a set of pre-arranged hoops.  I prefer bosses that are easy or at least 'normal', especially if they're human. 

Another thing I like is when you can turn difficulty down for a boss fight.  I remember Dragon Age: Origins having this super long and tedious boss fight that was really all about surival--I beat it once the hard way but when I played the second time I dialed that sucker down to toddler level so I could get back to having fun.

So basically you guys hate boss battles because some are poorly designed, okay.

Also how the fuck is that complaint directed at Shadow of the Colossus, a game that is pretty much only about its boss battles? There's no fun to be had "exploring" that world and finding absolutely nothing except some stupid lizards that are impossible to kill, some fruit, and I guess very rarely some actually good sights. The beauty in the open world of SotC isn't exploring it, it's the silent journey it brings between the big battles.

He literally said that SotC is an exception and listed it as his top game for boss battles.