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I don't think making a "handheld-only" or "home-only" Switch upgrade is ideal, at least in the form people are suggesting. What's the damn point of calling it the Switch, then? The main feature of the Switch is the ability to "switch" between playing home console games on the TV and on-the-go and vice versa. Taking out the ability to do one or the other is kinda pointless in terms of marketing the Switch. It's like Lucina being called "Masked Marth" when she no longer has her mask on. Excuse the spoilers for those who didn't want to hear that. If you want to remove the main feature of the console, you might as well call it something else. People were already confused about the Wii U and its purpose, imagine telling a unaware kid or adult that the new, upgraded Switch is more powerful or more portable, but doesn't have the main feature that made it the "Switch" in the first place.