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WagnerPaiva said:
Flilix said:

The verses made more sense 2000 years ago than they do now. The Roman Empire was huge, it covered most of the civilised world. There was one emperor, one currency, a 'Satanic religion' and Christians were being persecuted.

Wars and famines have always existed.

Portals, monsters and the return of Jesus are just as crazy as they've always been.

The only somewhat decent prediction in the whole book is the second verse.

It is the most outrageous prophecies ever written by a judeo-christian man, I agree. Of course I believe them, but they do sound crazy.

However, it will not surprise me at all if the portals and monsters become a reality some day, as well as the one world currency, religion and government.

It reminds me of the South Park episode in which a petrol company causes a portal to open and Chuthulu and other demons com to Earth.

Great, if we're using South Park as an example, that does not bode well.