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I am simply loving what I'm seeing from the quality and quantity of the indie lineup. Indies get a bad track record mainly thanks to Steam that throws a lot of garbage out there, but that doesn't mean there aren't hidden gems.  And with Nintendo's quality control, they've kind of sorted through the crap for us anyway. I've reviewed several indie games and many of them have been quite enjoyable. Most are short and/or lacking in content, but they're also much cheaper than $60 AAA software to make up for that. Honestly between Nintendo staggering its own releases and all the indie games, I wouldn't really miss most AAA stuff on Switch, aside from a few titles here and there like Skyrim and Octopath. Does help that I also happen to own an XB One, but still :P

I just want me some Toe Jam and Earl, Star Dew Valley, and that Advance Wars looking game. Nine Parchments and that weird shooter also look intriging.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden