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Aura7541 said:
X1Gates said:

The people are waiting for greatness. Why buy a slim when a 4K beast round the corner? 

It's not like last year when the PRO launched and the sales of the base ps4 never really declined because the consumer (rightly so) saw no True difference between them. Whereas there is a significant difference in power between the X1S and XOX thus people wait for the superior product. 

Let me point to Mat Piscatella's comment:

"This late in the cycle, people that are coming into the generation as new customers are, by definition, late majority buyers (Moore's definition from Crossing the Chasm, which is essential reading for fans of console/tech sales imo). These folks are more price oriented than anything, and they're far more likely to choose a One S or Slim model than come in at a higher priced iterative model designed for the more Core audience that was likely in on this gen very early."

Those people who are waiting for the "superior" product are largely those who already own an XB1. Half of the Pro's userbase owned a PS4 prior to upgrading. Considering the even larger price disparity between the XB1S and the XB1X, the proportion of the XB1X userbase that previously owned an XB1 will likely be larger than half. It should also be noted that the PS4 has been up YOY on NPD this year, showing that the XB1X has not taken away many sales from the PS4.

XOX hasn't released yet so how would that impact ps4 sales?