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Bandorr said:
I'm interested in watching how the Xbox ranks. Lately they have only had one game early on (Quantum break / Halo wars 2) and then dumped everything into September/October (Forza&Gears, Forza&Cuphead)

But with delays they will have multiple games coming out early next day. Sea of thieves, that zombie sequel, crackdown 3.

That should help them get over their slump like they had this year.

So with a "new" system and spread out games it may be interesting to watch the placement of it on the sales charts.

Originally, I'd assumed the Scorpio would dominate (by what degree I couldn't say) for about 3 months and then slowly return to the norm, but with the success of the Switch -- something I DID actually think could happen -- I'm now considering a 2 month period of success, but not necessarily domination. We may even see only 1 month of domination although I'm still going to play it safe and say X1gates will only be a regular contributor for 2 months, and then he'll just be popping in when the Switch or the PS4 is temperarily out of stock to suggest the XB1 is 'killing it', as normal.


The PS5 Exists.