Kresnik said:
We're also getting Penny Princess & The Longest Five Minutes in the west from NIS (1) I don't see any new games coming to Japan from Compile Heart or NIS though. CH scaled back their output loads this year on the handheld and NIS seem full steam ahead on Switch. Experience are working on that strategy RPG for XB1 (2) |
(1) So tiny projects that I had already forgotten about them.
(2) Can't agree with you on NIS. Don't be influenced by shady columnists and the Switch diaspora : the facts stay that NIS has ported on Switch only the titles that sold poorly on PS. Yomawari, Demon Gaze II, Refrain stayed as PS exclusives. Demon Gaze II and Refrain were ported on PS4 but NIS avoided Switch when doing the port. NIS would want to preserve its fanbase so 1 or 2 Vita/PS4 titles are definitely possible in 2018 to keep the morale high. I see Hakoniwa Company Works going to Switch though.
As for Compile, it's clear their business has shifted to PS4 but I don't exclude at least one Vita game for brand image (Tokyo Clanpool is exactly that).
Experience was already hard at work on XB1 when realeasing Death Mark on Vita. It's clear that they need other sources for revenue than JP games on Xbox, so here again 1 or 2 PS4/PSV games could help.