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Lawlight said:
Peach_buggy said:

Cherrypick all you like. Only 1 joycon colour scheme in each. Believe it or not, that can actually be a purchasing condition. If you bothered to check the stock history section, you will see most stock at whichever outlet lasts an average of 6 hours until getting sold out. That's why there is 1) such a quick turnover of stock and 2) clearly better supply and with this better supply you can clearly see there are being more Switches both supplied and sold in the U.K. at this point. So don't be surprised when you see it to begin to outsell PS4 in the U.K. any time from the middle of August onwards.

I did not cherrypick anything. You said less than 50% of the stockists tracked have the Switch in stock. I proved that you are wrong and that 100% of them have Switch stock. Now you moved on to say that only 1 colour scheme is available. Argos has both sets of colours. Nintendo has 3 colour schemes to choose from on their website. Game has 2 as well as does Amazon. So, 100% of the stockists on there have 2 or more colour schemes.

Conclusion, again - Switch has no stock issue in the UK and is readily available.

I am beginning to doubt you can even read or add up. Of the 14 stockists on the list, 6 have Switches available and that situation changes almost hourly.  The front page doesn't lie. The reason it updates every 5 minutes is because it sells out so quickly and even some of the links listing it as in stock even change to out of stock as you click on them. Perhaps it would help if you actually lived in the U.K.? People here will tell you how incredibly hard it is still to get hold of. Since when does 6/14 stockists listing Switch as available = being 100% available? If someone wants to believe something, it seems facts don't even prove stuff to them?