tbone51 said:
Faelco said:
Yeah, it's completely ridiculous.
"OMG, the Switch has a 5M userbase, and the PS4 only has 60M (and this gap isn't going away anytime soon). Developers really need to stop developing on PS4 and focus on Switch, who would prefer 60M customers to 5M? They're crazy!"
Square Enix for example is really regretting the PS4 version of DQ11 or the console exclusivity for Nier Automata. Persona 5 is the biggest flop ever for Altus because of the Sony exclusivity...
Capcom has done crappy games, and those crappy games ended up selling like crap. The PS4 is the main console worldwide and the best effort/sales ratio available for this generation, in Japan and WW, so a game being exclusive to PS4 is perfectly normal. End of story.
The conspiracy theorists should rather think about their arguments about flat Earth and vaccines, it's more fun to talk about.
Yeah but SFII for switch > MvCI for ps4..... So 5mil userbase > 60mil confirmed? Nintendo passed the test, sony/ms didnt! ;)
I hope you're joking (we can never be sure these days). Otherwise you compare blindly 2 different games and think that this comparison is worth something? That's not how it works.
Like I said, crappy games sell like crap. If Capcom releases good games on PS4, they will sell well, like all the huge sellers that we've seen lately on this console.