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Another one I just realized. Halo Reach's soundtrack is as good as Halo 1-3's soundtracks. Now, it's not my favorite. That would probably be 2 or maybe 3. But as someone who started with Reach, I honestly feel as if it gets the short end of the stick. Like people barely bring up it's phenomenal soundtrack. 

I mean this might be my favorite song in all of Halo, tied with Halo 2's menu theme (and yes, it counts, because even though it says "extra" it takes place at the last segment of Reach) : 

Of course, there's an obvious reason why this is the case. Halo Reach's soundtrack works almost exclusively for Reach, and Halo 1-3 have a very hemogenous soundtrack. Even the beginning of Halo 2's menu theme is like 1's. 

Still, I probably would agree the original trilogy has a better soundtrack, Reach's is just so amazing too.

Like honestly, when Destiny came out and I could rarely distinguish a tune .. I was kind of shocked. I'm sure that if I listened to Destiny's soundtrack on it's own it would be ok, but in game I rarely noticed it.