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The original Halo is brilliant, but all sequels are competent but uninspired shooters

Gears of War is also quite generic, and I struggle to see why people would want it as a franchise

The XBox brand is a PlayStation knockoff, and contributed less this gen in four years than the Switch in six months


The PSP was quite a dull system, the Vita was a lot better

I think PSNow could be really good (but it's not available where I live)

Killzone: Shadowfall was bloody awful


Nintendo took way too long to merge their portable and home console divisions

Zelda:BoTW makes some interesting design decision and then does absolutely nothing to build on them

The Zelda 2D games are better than the 3D games


Fallout 3 was mediocre at best, Dark Souls 2 was really good

No Multiplayer game is good for more than a couple weekends

Dishonored is akwardly designed and a poor stealth sim