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Alkibiádēs said:

I don't feel the need to buy less than stellar games just so more Metroid games get made. I don't let myself be black-mailed like that. If Nintendo doesn't want to put AAA effort in my favorite franchise then I'll just skip it and play substitutes like Hollow Knight and Steamworld Dig 2. Their loss, not mine. 

A game on weaker hardware isn't supposed to look a lot better, but here we are... 

Here are some screens from Hollow Knight and Steamworld Dig 2: 

In terms of artstyle Zero Mission does come over as more "clean" looking because of it's bright colors and 2D sprites but i've had more fun with Samus Returns than Zero Mission, SR is actually challenging and i admit that i thought the game looked pretty bad in the trailers but actually playing it on my 3DS with 3D effect on it looked gorgeous then again i would have like Samus' model to look better but everything else looks nice.

Mar1217 said:

- M2's soundtrack was facing hardware limitation. It has a lot of ear ripping tracks which shows that they were going for more than just simple melodic music + a lot of these tracks were short which means they looped often and it would probably irritated lots of people.

I'm sure it had lots of hardware limitations but c'mon Super Mario Land 1 , and 2 Links Awakening, Kirby Dreamland and Pokemon Red/Blue had very memorable looping soundtracks and i realise Metroid is supposed to have atmospheric and somber tones but Metroid 2 was just terribly lazy done, good thing Samus Returns used remixed more upbeat soundtracks of Metroid 2 and Super Metroid.

spemanig said:

If I knew what I knew before playing, I wouldn't have bought this game either. I don't think that Metroid's future looks bright after this, though compared to Other M, it's future looks like a gift from god. Then again, now I'm comparing SR to OM, so...

What Metroid would ideally do is take a page from Sonic and give their 2D games to fans like DoctorM64 who clearly have a better finger on what makes a good metroid game.

Since Nintendo's egos are too big to make that happen though, I genuinely see myself being done with 2D metroid. Metroid 5 is the last chance, but I have 0 faith in that. Verdict is still out on Prime 4, but at least I have hope there.

I think you need to be a bit more open minded.

MTZehvor said:
Welp, I was looking forward to jumping back into this discussion after work, but it appears to have largely descended into insults and hyperbole, so I think I'll try and start up a new discussion.

Welcome to the Metroid fanbase.

Mar1217 said:

Ok, then don't cry if the franchise go in another hiatus again if it doesn't sell well. You'll be part of the blame mister "BIG fan of Metroid" :)


Arminillo said:
For realzies tho I hope we get an M-Rated Metroid, not for language, but for just unabashedly showing the brutality implied in Super Metroid, with the dead scientists and death of The Baby.

I would love that, it seems to me that Other M was going for that route but it didn't do much good for itself either way i hope Metroid 5 comes with some more mature themes in a very Metroid-Nintendo way of course.

spemanig said:

I've gone back and forth with this, but I'm not sure how much Metroid would benefit from more explicit violence. Worse is that I'd be afraid that having an M-Rating would compell them to add uneeded violence, rather than only add it where it would be effective.

In theory though, I'm not against it. Look up Ghost Song. I think it does a great job of being an M-Rated Metroid-like game.

I also think Nintendo would rather keep the series a lower rating like they did with Federation Force, Metroid being a niche series selling low having a M rating would definitely not boost sales.

mZuzek said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Then don't do it? Seriously your replies are terrible. Some of them on the other pages were equally rude but I didn't feel like pointing them out since this is you and spem discussing. But if you're going to be like that just don't enter a discussion.

Being rude is a way of life.

No, seriously, that's just how it is. I'm not about to enter a serious discussion with someone who comes into a positive thread about Samus Returns to talk about how he's not buying it because it "looks ugly" despite being a "big Metroid fan". That's not what I'm here for, I'm here for nice discussion about nice things, or even a decent discussion about not-nice things

lol You're definitely passionate but yeah there will always be some who view things "differently".

Goodnightmoon said:
Alkibiádēs said:

Well yes, because Metroidvania games, more than any other kind of games, are dependant on environmental atmosphere to set the mood. I just don't get that with Samus Returns. 

Looks close to Metroid Prime in 2.5D and the sense of depth is amazing, is pretty atmospheric even if the artstyle isn't stellar, it also looks way better on a 3.5" screen than on big screenshots for obvious reasons.

Indeed, it looks more like the 3D Metroids than anything else i don't know why people are shitting on it's artstyle giving the way it looks so blurry is because of it's low resolution. It's like people just want to complain because they can.