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Aeolus451 said:
Nautilus said:

And thats how you go bankrupt.One thing that is important to all kind of business is to be flexible.Gaming may be a hobby and may be a luxury, but the companies running such a bussiness arent there just to satisfy the consumer.They want to earn money.So if earning less per game will make your game sell more(and thus, earn more money through sheer quantity instead of more per unit) and make your brand stronger in said region, its a smart business decision.

Its not about being "asinine" and for gods sake, its not a socialist thing.Actually, its an extremely capitalist action to do(since you know, a socialism equivalent would be the price to be the same across all regions, since the wealth in such a world would be distributed and there would be no privileges), since you are adapting to the market you are on, and thus try to maximize sales and profits.

Now, wether or not it is an immoral thing to do really depends on the point of view(since for the poorer countries it would be fair to be cheaper for them so thats within their income range), and even then it doesnt matter.Companies are not here to care about your feelings, they are here to make money.If you(and Ka-pi) feel roobed or something just because companies are being smart about their business well, start protesting about it and dont buy games until companies treat you guys better XD

Companies don't work like that. If any of that was true, you would see companies selling all of their products in the poorest countries. They don't, they avoid those places like the plague because they don't have enough money to afford luxuries, much less able afford the basics of daily life. They'll sell to whoever but if you can't afford, they don't bat a eye. 

The video game market is doing pretty well and they don't need to lower prices so people from poor countries can afford it so they can make a few pennies more. Besides that would piss off their regular consumers. 

What leadified said is very much a socialist idea. They are always trying to fund their "help the poor" ideas by stealing from the well off.

Depends man.

No company would sell with loss forever. But they can enter a market taking a loss to then profit. Or they can do like Unilever that made "single use" containers to sell in Africa. That made their sales uproar. Or in other cases they will make their margin a lot smaller (also sometimes their costs will also decrease).

If price of things weren't in context to the local market then you wouldn't even need to look at the power of the currency the price of anything would be about the same in any single country.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."