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KBG29 said:
Lawlight said:

Well, I think there's no point in expanding an ecosystem to service a declining segment.

The handheld segment is not declining though. The unconnected mobile device segment is what is shrinking. Sony and Nintendo are giving players no option but to leave their ecosystem. Sony had the right idea with the 3G Vita, but it was so ridiculously restricted that it ended up dead on arrival. They need to give it another go, but do it right. Give us a Switch Phone and/or a PS4 Phone and sales will blow past PSP and DS in no time flat. Andrew House was correct people want one key device with them on the go, when you offer them no alternative, of course they are not going to buy your non existant product.

The statements Andrew House has made about Mobile and PSVR over the last year, show that he has absolutely no vision. This guy has no ambition to grow the PlayStation business, and no clue how to if he wanted to. That is a terrifying problem when PlayStation is Sonys most profitable business, and their biggest growth driver. Kaz needs to get someone in there that is going to take action, and find something suitable for Andrew "Paranoia" House to do. PlayStation is to vital to sit idle.

The handheld segment is declining - we're talking dedicated handheld here. And you really think Sony or Nintendo can take away marketshare from Android or iOS? Yeah, no chance that a PS phone or Switch phone can make a scratch in that market. And maybe you're not aware but Sony is getting into mobile games so not sure what statement about mobile you're talkig about.

And where did that PS is Sony's most profitable division? I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. Aside from PlayStation Mobile, you're also forgetting PlayStation Vue, the PlayStation Store.