rolltide101x said: As an owner of PSVR I can say you can have some very cool moments with it. With that said I think it will always be a niche. If VR ever becomes mainstream I can see myself never really upgrading.... VR is fun and all but 95% of the time I just want to play on my tv |
rolltide101x said: As an owner of PSVR, (most of my PSN friends have the same opinion as well) VR is cool for a while, but in no way should it ever go mainstream over traditional ways of playing games. I have had one since Day 1 and probably around 5% of my gaming time has been on it (probably not even that) |
VR will go mainstream, but that doesn't mean it will replace traditional ways of gaming. Mobile, handheld, PC, console, browser and tablet gaming can all co-exist together, why can't VR simply be another option for gaming?
What is it that stops you from gaming more in VR? The games? Discomfort? Would you play Skyrim in VR?
My gaming time is 95% in VR nowadays, 1 or 2 hours a day. One upside to VR being more intense is that I'm satisfied sooner and get more sleep. Time seems to go slower than when playing BotW and HZD which kept me up till 4 am. I could be the games though. I wonder how Skyrim will go in VR. I used to play that till early morning on ps3.
Conina said:
Obduction. |
Yes, I want to play that. But I'm waiting for the psvr mode to be released.