Medisti said: I get where you're coming coming from, but I disagree. When I used the PSVR, it just felt like I had a 3DS against my face and it gave me motion sickness. I only tried Driveclub and whatever the spaceship demo was, but it didn't nothing for me at all. |
I'm sorry you had a bad first experience. DC was the first game I tried as well. I didn't jump in the car right away though. First I simply stood around in the staging area, checking out the car and surroundings while adjusting the headset and getting used to the view. It was magical to me. I'm not sure what spaceship demo you mean, Eve Valkyrie? Anyway two instense experiences in the motion department to start out with. Plus DC is pretty low res as well for a VR title. It's a lot of fun to play, yet it is one of the worst looking outside the car.
Wayward sky, Dino Frontier, Tethered, Superhot, Statik, I expect you to die, ST Bridge crew, Bound, all look much better and are far easier to get into VR. Until dawn rush of blood starts with some easy movement, then you're ready for Thumper and Rez Ifinite. Moving about should be more comfortable by then and bouncing around in a car or space ship no longer sickening. Your brain needs a little time to adjust to a new way to process information.
I'm currently sucked into the solus project. If you like exploration this is the best VR has to offer atm. It's a full fledged game, only 68 on Metacritic though, but VR raised it to an 8.5 for me. Awesome exploring the caves with a flash light or torch in hand and discovering vast underground temples atc. But true, it does look like a Wii game on PSVR due to the resolution limitations. It looks better than Xenoblade on the Wii though, yet it does have a last gen feel.