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hudsoniscool said:
thismeintiel said:

I think best case scenario, X helps it stay flat with last year.  So, ~8M.  At that point, sales will still only be ~36M for XBO.  And with little but the boast of power to push XBO sales, next year we will see it start to slide, again.  Especially since next year I fully expect to start hearing more concrete rumors about the PS5, with a possible release in 2019.  What mystic the X has will be gone.  Personally, I don't see the XBO getting over 50M when all is said and done.

It's been a bad year for Xbox so far. Like u said Scorpio is going to bring Xbox to slightly down for the year/flat. Also the one to my knowledge has basically been 249 all year. If next year is down for the year than that's really really bad. 2017 only has halo wars2, forza and cuphead, pubg might half count. Most would agree this has been the worst year for exclusives for the one. In my opinion it's the worst year for any Xbox console. Next year is different though(mostly cause the delays). Crackdown, SOD2, sea of theives, ori 2, halo 6, forza horizon 4. Lol 2017 the worst year for the one, 2018 the best. Anyway next year with much more games, full year of Scorpio and games that 'look best' on it, most likely a $199 Xbox for the majority of the year. 2018 should be better than 17 and if it isn't than like I said very bad and ms should basically pull out of the gen and start getting ready for next gen.

Halo 6 hasn't even been announced, so I doubt that's coming til 2019.  Really, I think MS is already giving up on this gen and is going to get through the rest of it using the power argument and a few of its delayed games, with a few exclusive Indies here and there.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Halo 6 as a launch window title for XB2.  

Next year will also be a full year of everyone knowing that the XBO has no exclusives, since they are all coming to PC.  Sure, some still prefer consoles, but it'll definitely cut down the amount of people who feel the need to get one.  Price, also, isn't an issue for the XBO.  MS has had so many firesales and cheap bundles, they basically devalued their own product.  PS4 is going to benefit from a $199 SKU much more than MS will.

Really, I see this as MS's last full gen, if Sony plays its cards right.  If Sony releases a PS5 that is B/C with the wildly successful PS4, with a Pro-like Boost Mode, and the system itself is on par or possibly better than the XB2, spec-wise, Sony has next gen in the bag.  Even if their launch games are just meh to good, and MS does release Halo 6 at launch, it's not going to be enough to compete with that kind of draw.  It also doesn't help that this will be the 3rd gen in a row MS pulled their SW support out early, something that doesn't leave a good taste in gamers' mouths.