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Isnt the N64 being 64bit vs the psx being 32bit objectively stating that the N64 was more capable in creating 3D worlds? Regardsless of personal preferences?

I'm not a technician so there might be good arguments against it.
But I've always had the feeling games like Goldeneye 64 and Perfect Dark were literally not possible on the psx on that scale and with 4-players.

We did play Medal of Honor 2-player mode and its a really fantastisc game and Blaze and Blade (arpg) 4-player mode with the multitap. But Goldeneye has something about it technically that I have never seen on the PSX.

Anyway, rpg-wise nothing beats the original Playstation in my opinion. But you can call that an opinion, as i do myself. But that N64 vs PSX hardware wise must have an objective basis somewhere right?
