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If you mean, "It's over for GH, nobody will buy all this:" Yes, they will. I will. Many people will.

If you mean, "GH has sold out, blah blah blah, it's not the same game anymore:" I like these new games. I really do. (well, I like the fact that they are making more) I have GH3 for Wii, I do not have the first 2. I NEED more songs. I'm bored with GH3, I really need more songs to keep things going. No, I haven't gold starred every song or even 5 starred most songs on expert, but I need different stuff to play.

This is a game that depends on new content, and something better than just a few DL tracks. New stuff every 6 months is great, in my opinion. I'd probably buy a new game every 3 months. Can't get enough...need more...I'm suffering from withdrawal. (finally sent in that disc to get it replaced)