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Heh, pretty sure my roommate's Wii has probably 75% of all the VC games.

It's pretty crazy. He was the only one in the dorm of 300 to have a Wii for a long time so everyone played the thing. People kept chipping in a few bucks here and there for extra controllers and such, it kept growing to the point where our Wii was on nearly 24/7 for about 5 weeks. People we didn't even know would come in to our room drop 10 bucks and play 1 game of tennis. We soon had 4 Wiimotes, 4 chucks, and 4 classics. We then made a money jar, and a suggestion box for Wii or VC games to buy.
At the end of the semester We probably went through a good $500 or so bucks, on VC, only about $60 of it being our actual money. The Wii was full and soon so was the majority of a 512 SD card. Other people got Wiis and the visitors eventually lessened over time but our room was still the place to go if anyone ever wanted to play a VC game they didn't have : )