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irstupid said:
caffeinade said:

Fair enough, Nintendo does offer a wide selection of 60FPS titles.
Personally 60FPS and mouse + keyboard is the bare minimum.

May I ask what is the point of going into threads about console games with that attitude. You know the Switch has no keyboard/mouse so no matter what you saw in the video woudl mean nothing to you. Your just being an elitist PC snob. I also agree that Keyboard/Mouse is best when playing a shooter. Wiimote/numchuk was a close second in metroid prime 3 (or was it Skyward Sword that had better aiming), imo. Then next is dual analog combined with gyroaiming. Purey dual analog is almost a 100% guarantee that I will skip the game. But that info is super easy to obtain. When I know waht said game uses, I can decide then which version to play. If I'm not picking said version I sure as heck don't spend all my time in a thread for that version bitching about it. THeres is a version for me, why demean anothers version?

But what's with the 60fps bashing. Hardly any shooters are 60fps. Then hell, the Switch also probably has the highest ratio of 60 fps to not over the twins. I've been hearing since the PS3 launch how games shoudl be 60 fps and rarely does that seem to happen. Also most people unless being TOLD can't even tell it is 60 or 30. The game could be 30, but as long as someone saw some rumor or article saying otherwise, they will argue until their face is blue with someone on how it is 60 fps, even when both are watching the same video. So much of the bitching/bragging/ect these days is just biased fanboying one way or another.

The fact is that the game looks good, and it appears to run smooth (minus what I find the annoying teleporting the guy seems to do when doing the finisher moves, but guessing that is in all versions) so why are you guys complaining? Is Switch your only console? If FPS and Resolution are so important to you, get the game on another of your systems. It has been out for like a year if you didn't know. If switch is your only console, enjoy the freaking game. Would you rather not have it?

The port is clearly not for me.
I am very impressed with what has been achieved.
I am not complaining that it does not have mouse and keyboard support (because I won't buy it, I have the game already).
I made peace with the fact that this will not be at 60FPS when it was announced.

I said: "Personally 60FPS and mouse + keyboard is the bare minimum", meaning that for Me, that is my minimum for this game; For me.

I said they could try using sprites to replace the 3D weapons and letterboxing the viewpoint to hit 60FPS, and that it would likely not go over well with people.