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So... today was the funeral of my great-grandmother. She passed away at 99 and that's pretty sweet. What I found a little less positive was the music she chose. I know, I shouldn't berate her for the music she wishes to hear on her last journey but come on, Robert Long with "She was still flying this morning" (roughly translated), Jan Smit with "grandma" followed by Ave Maria? People where sobbing after the first song. That seemed very unlikely for her. So naturally I though: "What should I play on my funeral?" This was my selection:

Rage against the machine: Killing in the name of - and I don't want the song to be announced. Either that, or AC/DC: Thunderstruck

Followed by: The legend of Zelda theme. Nerd in life and death. Plus, I like how the end swings "up" like a "rising hero".

And finally - Always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python.

So, what would be you're choices mates?

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