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naznatips said:
Soriku said:
Kasz broke the thread!

I fixed it. Also FFIX is the best FF game (to me anyway). FFVI is close though.

How'd I break it?

Weird. All I said was that FF3 was good for what it was... an RPG back when people didn't play RPGs for stories but played them for the actual gameplay.

FF13's gameplay was really solid compared to other RPGs of it's time and even compares to FF's of today honestly. It brought in a bunch of things that were first used that were later used in later games.

Including the "move on" system of attacks instead of having your character descrate a dead body for "Ineffective" damage after the Wizard before him nuked the thing with a fire spell. The Job class system worked well enough for it.

FF2... now that was boring... and confusing the level up system was a good idea, but poorly implemented and as such it sadly didn't take. I hadn't even seen it tried again until like the Elder Scroll games. (to my knowledge, i'm probably forgetting games that did so.)


Edit: RE chracter development for FF3. It should be noted that the character development in 3 that was their was all implemented after the fact. FF3 originally starts you off as 4 orphans who find crystals that give you powers and then that's about it... if i remember correctly.

All the DS stuff was added for more character development.  It was very much in line with games like FF and DQ before then.  Your the good guy.  Stop evil, the story is in the close calls and fun you have getting from point A to B.