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Sony so won last year. Everyone was talking about Killzone 2, and they also unveiled games like Infamous. Nobody knew how big Wii Fit would be at the time, and most people looked at it with wary eyes.

And oddly enough, Microsoft was ranked #1 in most E3 polls after the fact.

This year, I expect Sony to show off:

Killzone 2
White Knight Chronicles
Heavy Rain

As well as unveil:

Uncharted 2
God of War 3
Twisted Metal ps3 (we know it's being worked on, but they might save it for later)
The next Team ICO game(s) (though this may not surface until TGS08)
I could see a FFXIII demo appearing as well.

Sony will certainly have a strong showing this year, but I think Nintendo will win. Zelda Wii is all I need. :P