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The short version: In many ways, certainly.

The long version: While is obviously more complex than this and I don't think most people REALLY believe this in the litteral sense - it certainly seems like mean/possibly offensive words or speech get FAR more hype and the people who speak then FAR more demonized than actual violence or damaging actions such as war. I mean, just look at the Trump vs Hillary election. Trump and Hillary are at the very least on equal footing of bad/corrupt when it comes to presidential candidates - yet Trump was portrayed in the media, entertainment, & academia as the devil and "litterally hitler" because he's "a big meanie head" while Hillary was portrayed by some as some sort of Mother Theresa or at least "good enough" despite being very warmongering and quite corrupt.

You've also got a certain contingent of dolts (usually at the college level) that actually feel violent protest is more defendable and even celebrated than a conservative or libertarian speaker coming to speak at a university for a couple hours. It's quite absurd really and it's getting to a disturbing level. I mean, UC Berkley recently had to put up barricades and $600k in security funds had to be raised in order to protect people during a freakin BEN SHAPIRO speech. This guy is the defenition of a tame, moderate conservative/ libertarian who's speech thesis essentially revolved around "treat people as equals/individuals, and strive for greatness in the US." So yes, absolutely something is very wrong...

Though, in a culture that's utterly saturated with violent entertainment and people brawling in dumb reality shows while society is simultaneously getting increasingly sensitive and further lost in ideological echo chambers.. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. Not that I'm one of those "violent games cause violence in real life!" loons (far from it), but I do feel the constant bombardment of violence in entertainment and ESPECIALLY the media largely makes us feel as if this is the norm and somewhat desensitises us to it.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden