curl-6 said:
irstupid said:
Sleep mode does not refute my point. My point is losing the sense of completing something.
I'm sure you guys have played SM64. Just think on that game. You go into painting and select a star to go for. Enter level, 5-10 minutes later you get the star and get mission accomplished or whatever screen and booted out of world. You completed something. You finished it. You can then put your Switch in SLEEP mode and go back to work, school, whatever. Your break is over and you accomplished something.
Now lets imagine the game as I see it now. You are exploring this big open world and in like 5-10 minutes you solve some puzzle and get a moon, but then also see something just off in the distance that looks intersting, or looks like a possible moon to grab. Yet you have to go back to work/class now. You are now left with this sense of having to have left something undone. No clean break/finish to your break.
It's like playing breath of the wild for a quick break. Sure you may find a Kurok seed or two, or beat a shrine, ect, but the game never lets you feel like you can just put it down. There is always something just off in the distance that you want to check out quick.
I love Breath of the Wild and super excited to have an open world Mario, just explaining why, ESPECIALLY with the portability factor, I will somewhat miss the old style of 3D mario games.
I don't need to be booted from the world to feel a sense of accomplishment at getting a Moon and turn the system off with a sense of having completed the task at hand.
You are missing what I mean by accomplishment. I'm talking the sense of like what people always refer to as "it's a good mobile type game"
You know like your sudoku, your captain toad treasure tracker, angry birds, ect. Stuff that you can pick up, do a quick level and you finish it and your done. THe next time you pick it up, you select the next level and not have to be like "okay, where was I. Where was I going" ect. It's like finishing a chapter in a book or something. A good stopping point. YOu dont' want to stop in the middle a chapter, or halfway through a sudoku page. Yes there are hundreds of further sudoku pages after that one, or hundreds of chapters after that one, but still finishing on it makes one feel better when they have to set the thing down. It's a good stopping point. That is what I mean by a accomplishment. It's not like I feel like i'm getting a stupid ass ps trophy or something. I'm getting the satisfaction of not feeling like i'm putting the book down in the middle of a chapter.