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Azuren said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
This topic is one that gets spoken of extremely often in my home. It seems that police killing people in the street is acceptable but taking a knee during the national anthem sparked the most backlash this country has seen since 9/11.

Now, I am not saying we cannot or should not discuss someone taking a knee in protest. But I am saying we should use twice that amount of energy discussing and attempting to eradicate injustice.

A woman just got 15 months in prison for encouraging her boyfriend to kill himself. Meanwhile, a guy that actually ran a woman over and killed her got 22 days in jail and a fine. I would say, society has always had this mentality. When a school shooting happens, people blame art... like seriously, art. Sad, sad state of humanity.

Never mind all the extenuating circumstances surrounding everything you mentioned, right? Just take it at face value? Cops just shoot and kill people, but those people are never criminals or behaving in a dangerous way around people whose lives are on the line doing their job? Convincing a guy over and over to kill himself every time he backs down isn't fucked?


Context matters.

I take special exception to this dumb post though.

Never mind the circumstances? I am not saying that everyone should get a pass. I am saying everyone should get it worse. If a person can get 15 months for encouraging suicide (which is another conversation in and of itself) but a person that actually KILLS ANOTHER PERSON gets 26 days, then there is something wrong with the system. Context be damned unless it is self defense. You got this one wrong because you tried to play my ends against the middle.

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