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What's your diet consist of? Whey proteins, creatine and the like won't help. Switch to natural foods for better and longer energy. Water is great as well. I currently am doing apprentice electrical school Monday through Friday, 7AM-330Pm and then Saturday's and Sunday's work 12 hours a day as an oil refinery operator. It's manageable now because I'm feeding myself the right fuel and staying away from sugary beverages. This leaves little time for gaming lately, but that's okay! You gotta prioritize. Maybe consider cutting out the weight lifting if that's taking too much energy because that 40 minute bike ride will surely keep you in shape. Just gotta prioritize


Going back to the diet thing, what you're putting into your body is what you'll get out of. I've been feeling great lately with a ton of energy. That's thanks to vegetables and fruit and meat. No time for junk food