Well played the Octopath demo - both paths - and I'm sold. Writing is good, voice acting is thankfully a huge step up from Bravely, and the tone is far more serious and less self-aware silliness. I'm really looking forward to this one and can see why it was given a spotlight during the direct. Xenoblade, Octopath, Dragon Quest, Lost Sphear, Shin Megami Tensei, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, the Switch is getting a nice selection of JRPGs of a variety of styles. Hopefully some games like Fallout 4 and Dragon Age (1 and 3, please, you can keep 2 EA :P) and other WRPGs join the lineup. Perhaps Witcher 3 isn't out of the question. I mean, I'm ready to believe almost anything now that Doom and Wilfenstein 2 are coming :P.
Also, hopefully that Final Fantasy tease comes to fruition with something good, be it FFXV, the HD remakes of X/X2 or XII, FFXIV:ARR, or something.