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Doesn't this ever get tiring to you?
Every other day you seem to post a story to rile people up and get everyone arguing over nothing.

In this case you reported a story omitting the fact that the reason of the firing being over a racial joke is no more than guesswork on the part of Reginald Mobley.
As for Matthew Halls, the University said Mobley's report was "incorrect", and gave him $90000 for his troubles. Guy seems like he's going to be fine.
Not exactly world going mad stuff.

However the particular story is irrelevant, what I find troubling is the trend of posting misinformed, incomplete or not up to date stories for the purpose of ragebait, on what is ostensibly a gaming forum.
These "stories" again mostly function as a reaction to non-existant "SJWs" backlash, and only foments anger as no actual discussion is taking place in the real world.
This only makes the forums look unfriendly and bent on "fighting the feminist/leftist/marxist agenda", which aren't exactly hallmarks of quality or of worthwhile discussion.
The forums would be better if you stopped using them as a place to dump your poor excuses to rail on "SJWs" and other strawmen.