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Ofcourse EA doesn't care about game consoles. They don't sell one. I don't think Sony, MS, and Nintendo would agree. Pay $9.99 a month. For a few games I would play on the service. VS the $60 the one time. I'm picking the one time.


VGPolyglot said:
Slarvax said:

That's my main concern. And with Disney leaving Netflix, which might encourage other big brands to branch out, we might also be paying for multiple TV/movie streaming services.

This would only work if consoles become obsolete, and if multiple devs get on a fair agreement. I don't see it happening in the next 15 years.

That'd be a disaster, having different services for everything.

That's what's gonna happen at some point. All the companies around the world have thosunds of movies and shows to easily start up their own streaming. Basically end up turning into cable TV. Except you have to pay $5-8 for the channels.