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The infrastructure it's not here yet, sorry. They have to solve a latency problem and a huge network problem, where everything, since their server until the cheap router inside everyone's home must actually work perfectly without skipping a beat. This is not like Netflix, where you have the video on a freaking buffer. A half-second interruption is perceptible. And even if everything is perfect, they need to have a lot of local servers in all the world, because physics are a real hard limit.

Off-topic: This is like VR, companies are trying to push a tech that is not ready yet and will simply get burned and cancel everything in a few years. If you don't believe me with VR, just wait. Our current resolutions are too low, we lack rendering power (can your PC power a 4K 120 hz game? That's still not enough) and our tracking tech is too primitive to avoid motion sickness. Companies will move to mobile AR and forget that VR exists.