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Nope. I just wanted to point that the order of those games doesn`t matter. ÃŒf you want me to use a game out of that list, then I`ll say Mario Party 8 is gonna outsell every single PS3 in that list by a decent margin, except maybe from FFXIII. I just said SSBB because, even though it isn`t in the top spots. it is bound to sell incredibly well. SSBM sold to 33% of GC owners in Japan. Now that Mario, AC, Nintendogs, etc popularity has increased, a game like SSBB that puts all of them in one package would be too good to pass up. Casual gamers love Smash too, so that may help even more ( and I`ve got proof of casual love). And the fact that Wii will easily double GC`s base helps 2.